Archaeology (CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences disciplinary priority)

Find out more about the archaeological research carried out at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.

Archaeology is the study of past societies, from the appearance of hominids to the sub-contemporary period through the analysis of material remains. This historical discipline is currently undergoing a major process of epistemological renewal and involves a highly marked level of interdisciplinarity.

Archaeology contributes to the renewal of historical knowledge particularly for periods or societies for which written documentation is non-existent or very incomplete. It also similarly renews knowledge for more contemporary periods and helps shift focus from the elites who produced the written word to the general population while highlighting how the historical narrative has been manipulated and deliberate forms of information concealment. The discipline is constantly expanding its range of subjects. Sedimentation and patrimonialization continuously produce archaeological remains but these 'soil archives' are subject to considerable erosion because of regional planning, major infrastructure works, trafficking, looting and deliberate destructive acts.

The increasingly interdisciplinary sciences of archaeology include archaeology and art history along with all the sciences that study materials (physics, chemistry), the palaeoenvironment (palynology, anthracology, archaeobotany, archaeozoology, geoarchaeology), human and animal genomes, and so forth. This research thus involves a great deal of interaction with other CNRS Institutes, particularly CNRS Ecology & Environment, CNRS Chemistry and CNRS Earth & Space.

Archaeologists are also reinforcing dialogue with the other fields of the humanities and social sciences like history, ethnology, sociology and law particularly as regards the issue of heritage and trafficking of antiquities.

This research has a strong presence in units in other countries co-steered by the CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences.

Research centers and networks

CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences laboratories

Innovation and outreach

Post-doctorat CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales

  • CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales finance un post-doctorat à l’UMR PROCLAC, consacré aux « Dynamique et exploitation des couverts végétaux et des cours d’eau en Syrie du Nord-Ouest, une approche géohistorique (XVIIIe – XXIe siècles) » sur sa priorité thématique dédiée à l’habitabilité de la planète.
  • CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales finance un postdoctorat en soutien à l’École de Rome affecté au Centre Camille Jullian (CCJ).