Area studies, comparative and transnational approaches

Here you'll find all the research on area studies, comparative and transnational approaches at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.

CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences considers studies rooted in specific spaces and contexts to be of crucial importance. These studies were once confined to non-Western or non-European areas but now encompass all societies - from ancient times to the most contemporary periods – and are often multidisciplinary. Local integration is a central issue in such approaches and means the phenomena associated with it (localisation, delocalisation, relocalisation) can be effectively examined. However the areal dimension approach also involves questioning the construction of these areas and the ensuing discussions and conflicts which such areas are subject to. This approach takes movements and transfers in all their complexity into account which involves linkages, interactions and, conversely, obstacles and closures. In this way researchers focus on contact areas and border zones but also on neglected territories. It analyses complementarities and cooperation as well as social and territorial conflicts. Areal approaches make it possible to vary scales of analysis and also question the spatialisation of phenomena. They question living conditions in which people think and act. The linguistic vector is a core issue as multilingualism also needs to be taken into account and thus much attention is paid to oral, written, audiovisual and digital transmissions.

Research centers and networks

CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences laboratories

Laboratories in other countries

Chaire de professeur junior

CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales a proposé une chaire de professeur junior sur la « Connaissance de la Chine contemporaine ». Cette chaire a débouché sur le recrutement d’un agent, affecté à l’IAO à compter de décembre 2024.

Post-doctorat CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales

CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales finance un post-doctorat dans le champ aréal « sociétés et cultures de l’Afghanistan » affecté au CERMI.

Programmes de recherche

  • CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales soutient le programme RI2 Héritages Linguistiques, Cultures orales, Éducation en Océanie (HELICEO).
  • CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales soutient le projet Chine CoREF (Connaissance – Recherche, Expertise, Formation).
  • CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales est partenaire du projet DECRIPT (AMI SHS).