Artificial intelligence (CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences thematic priority)
Here you'll find all the Artificial Intelligence research being carried out at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.
CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences has a dual and parallel approach to AI. Firstly, CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences supports actions, projects and research teams that use AI or aim to study the repercussions and consequences of the use of AI tools for research purposes. To achieve this, CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences has undertaken major epistemological and methodological study on the following questions. How is AI changing the way researchers work on science, understand and visualise results? What are the consequences of the use of massive data that AI makes possible? Does AI in the form of an empirical approach exist in opposition to theoretical modelling? What role is data science playing in training, laboratories, conferences and journals? How is AI leading to research being reorganised? What is the current situation as regards the appropriation and mastery of the available IT tools and their sovereignty and also regarding the interpretability, refutability and reproducibility of research results themselves? Which types of AI are the best suited to which research aspects? What new biases specific to AI may emerge? AI is transforming a variety of issues ranging from facial recognition to connected objects. Commerce and consumption, health, democratic and personal life and forms of work are all being transformed by AI. The subject extends to robotics, human-computer interaction, support for decision-makers, massive data, social web platforms and the rise of micro-work. These changes come with considerable accompanying problems in terms of AI's economic, geographical and environmental impact, the protection of private data, legal liability, the control of possible ethnic and gender bias, explicability and traceability.
Research centers and networks
CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences laboratories
- Ambiances Architectures Urbanités (AAU)
- Centre d’Études et de Recherches Administratives, Politiques et Sociales (CERAPS)
- Centre de recherche critiques sur le droit (CERCRID)
- Centre Internet et Société (CIS)
- Institut de l’Ouest : Droit et Europe (IODE)
- Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT)
- Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences, Innovations, Sociétés (LISIS)
- Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (LISST)
Laboratories in other countries
Innovation and outreach
- BUNKA - Institut Jean Nicod (IJN)
- INTACT - Institut Jean Nicod (IJN)
Post-doctorat CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales
CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales finance un post-doctorat « IA, arts, cultures et sociétés » affecté au THALIM.
Research Program
- CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences is involved in the VDBI Priority Research Programme and Equipment or PEPR with funding from the Investments for the Future programme PIA4. Jean-Yves Toussaint and Gilles Gesquières lead the programme for the CNRS.