Gender and sexuality
Here you'll find all the research on gender and sexuality carried out at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.
The question of gender is one of the emerging and innovative cross-disciplinary issues that the CNRS supports through the strong involvement of its Gender Institute, networks and joint research units. The aim of the research is in this area is to question gender theories and their epistemologies using an approach to issues involving the body and sexuality and the forms of subjectivation linked to these. CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences also considers it important to promote and raise awareness of gender issues and carry out scientific analyses of discrimination in this area. This involves all the disciplines of CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and also interactions with other CNRS Institutes which lead to opportunities for interdisciplinary research.
Research centers and networks
CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences laboratories
- Centre de sociologie des organisations (CSO)
- Centre d’Études et de Recherches Administratives, Politiques et Sociales (CERAPS)
- Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques (CETOBaC)
- Centre de recherche médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société (CERMES 3)
- Centre de recherche sur les liens sociaux (CERLIS)
- Centre de recherches historiques (CRH)
- Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris (CRESPPA)
- Centre de Recherches sur les Inégalités Sociales (CRIS)
- Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CMH)
- Centre Max Weber (CMW)
- Centre Norbert Elias (CNE)
- France Amériques Espagne Sociétés Pouvoirs Acteurs (FRAMESPA)
- Institut des mondes africains (IMAF)
- Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne (ISJPS)
- Laboratoire d’études sur le genre et la sexualité (LEGS)
- Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA)
- Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (LISST)
- Sorbonne-Identités, relations internationales et civilisations de l’Europe (S-IRICE)
- Temps, mondes, sociétés (TEMOS)
- TRIANGLE : Actions, discours, pensée politique et économique
Laboratories in other countries
Innovation and outreach
Musea - Laboratoire Temps, Mondes et Sociétés (TEMOS)