Linguistic/Language science

Find out more about research in linguistics and language sciences at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories

Language science focuses on language as a universal human capacity, aiming to understand and model the fundamental characteristics of this capacity, the cognitive processes that underpin it and the general processes that govern its usage, particularly in communication. Our research is divided into five main areas - fundamental linguistics (phonology; morphology; syntax; semantics), the general mechanisms of language use in communication (phonetics; the philosophy of language; pragmatics; discourse, text and dialogue; the evolution of language), the diversity of languages (the typology and diversity of languages; diachronic linguistics and comparative linguistics; sociolinguistics, language variation and contact), cross-disciplinary approaches (psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, the study of language development and problems; language evolution; automatic natural language processing and computational linguistics; lexicology and lexicography) and the history of linguistics.

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