Movement, migration and mobility

Here you'll find all the research on circulation, migrations mobility carried out at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.


Humanities and social sciences researchers study all types of circulation and flows. This includes objects, traded goods, financial flows and technologies but also models, knowledge, viruses and epidemics, rumours and, of course, human beings. What are the circuits taken by these flows, who are the stakeholders involved, what images and representations do they convey and what socio-technical systems do they work with? The many questions involved cover all scales from local, commuting and everyday mobility (involving research into spatial planning, the environment, residential choices and life paths for example) to international migration studied from the standpoint of migration experiences and also as regards the geopolitical processes underpinning these.

ODD1   ODD8   ODD10

ODD11   ODD13   ODD16

Research centers and networks

Post-doctorat CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales

CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales finance un post doctorat pour le SOSI « Une socio-histoire des migrations causées par le Centre d’Expérimentation du Pacifique (CEP) à l’échelle de la Polynésie française ». 

Research programme

SOSI - Open Monitoring of Societies and their Interactions

  • Mobiliscope