Network of the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences STI correspondents
In response to the importance of STI in humanities and social sciences, the Institute has set up Correspondents for Scientific and Technical Information (CORIST). These were selected within each laboratory to promote the sharing of practices, tools and experience and they act as intermediaries between the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences and its units. These correspondents will initially act as a relay to disseminate information to the laboratories and to pass on the needs and STI issues that arise in the units.
Especially, this correspondent will be able to:
- Assist researchers to deposit in HAL-humanities and social sciences (a priority of the Institute) and contribute to the quality of the data in the archive;
- Help researchers to fill in their RIBAC, which became the annual activity report for all researchers of the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences in 2011;
- Exchange experiences and practices: good practices for the implementation of four-year contracts (the "scientific productions" part), monitoring practices, etc.;
- Participate in the development of the Biblio-humanities and social sciences portal;
- Support the implementation of Vari-humanities and social sciences.
The primary tool for communication between STI correspondents is a mailing list that is open for professional exchanges and sharing of experiences.
Since 2012, the STI hub has organized annual RIBAC and HAL training workshops. These are open to researchers and the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences STI correspondents.
A website dedicated to STI correspondents
The Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences Scientific and Technical Information (STI) correspondents' website was launched in November 2012. It is a tool for communication and activity of the humanities and social sciences-CORIST community, a place for sharing information and experience, pooling resources, skills, practices and tools, and a place to promote STI actions and functions in the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences laboratories.
The site operates in a collaborative manner, and its data can only be supplied by the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences STI correspondents. The humanities and social sciences-CORIST can report an event, share a resource, a tip or a tool, describe and analyze a question or a methodology and transfer a project's technology or an achievement. All humanities and social sciences-CORIST members can add relevant content and thus participate in the establishment of a catalogue of resources, a knowledge base and sharing etc. Through commentary, they can also all contribute to discussions and enrich a source or an idea.
This site is primarily aimed at the CNRS STI professionals and all people interested in STI issues. It is accessible to all via the internet; everyone can see the information published on the site and follow its news.