Expropriation by Law

Intellectual Property, Value and Labor
Christian Bessy
February 2024
Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques de l'Economie et de la Société (IDHES)
Edward Elgar Publishing

Placing himself at the crossroads of economics, law, and sociology, Christian Bessy investigates the contemporary transformation of intellectual property rights (IPR) with the emergence of new conventions for their valuation. He demonstrates how entities previously considered inappropriate have now become the object of property rights by means of a creeping legal codification.

Se plaçant au carrefour de l'économie, du droit et de la sociologie, Christian Bessy étudie les transformations contemporaines des droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI) avec l'émergence de nouvelles conventions d'évaluation de ces droits. Il montre comment des choses autrefois considérées comme inappropriées sont devenues l'objet de droits de propriété par le biais d'une codification juridique rampante et génèrent des inégalités.

The book examines how the extension of IPRs has given rise to new forms of expropriation of the wealth produced, allowing companies to protect their investments in intangible assets. Presenting an original basis of legal disputes and decisions concerning the attribution of IPRs, chapters illustrate that patents are at the heart of the economic development of multinationals, start-ups, and the rise of new technologies. Bessy traces the contours of the appropriation of intellectual creation and the new class of lawyers who participate in it, drawing a portrait of contemporary capitalism in which the grip of law threatens the pioneers of innovation.