
Here you'll find all the research relating to psychologie carried out at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.

The aim of psychology research is to understand the relationships between mental processes, brain functions and individual and collective behaviour. This research is closely linked to medical sciences and neurosciences, the humanities, the social sciences and education and is thus a true hub of strong interdisciplinarity within several CNRS Institutes.

Psychology researchers take a variety of approaches which reflects the discipline's special interdisciplinary links with other fields. The area includes research in clinical psychology which takes an interest in brain plasticity and neurogenesis, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, quantitative psychology which focuses on developing new quantitative methods to analyse psychological data and decision psychology which studies judgements and choices and the role played by affective factors. Psychology is well represented at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences in laboratories that are very often under the dual supervisory authority of CNRS Biology and CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences.

Reseach centers and networks