Shared sciences
Find out more about the shared sciences research being carried out at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.
CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences aims to encourage thought about the right methodologies to produce research in which the populations observed can be stakeholders in the knowledge produced about/based on them. The Institute also wishes to encourage research in which knowledge about a third-party object is co-produced with stakeholders from society who are sometimes and increasingly often called a 'third research sector'. The participation of such stakeholders can also involve the joint dissemination of research results. The production of research results for society is an integral part of this approach. The aim here is to encourage research that is favourable to this type of co-construction and also open up a space for thought about these mechanisms, the expectations regarding them, their limits and the misunderstandings they could bring up on both sides. This would also involve thought about the important issues involved in terms of data protection or open science as current French and European calls for projects are openly encouraging researchers to engage in this type of approach to their work.
CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences wishes to draw on the experience gained from past or current projects (nearly 200 such projects were listed by the CNRS Scientific Council for 2020-2021) and collaborate with existing working groups (such as the Participatory Democracy and Public Participation GIS) to increase the Institute's involvement in the subject of shared sciences from a methodological standpoint and to propose mechanisms that are well-adapted to the HSS and adaptable for all sciences.
Research centers and networks
CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences laboratories
- Ambiances Architectures Urbanités (AAU)
- Centre d’histoire sociale des mondes contemporains (CHS)
- Centre Internet et Société (CIS)
- Centre Norbert Elias (CNE)
- Dynamique du Langage (DDL)
- Espaces et SOciétés (ESO)
- Institut d’histoire du temps présent (IHTP)
- Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l’âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL)
- Laboratoire Architecture Ville Urbanisme Environnement (LAVUE)
- Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative (LESC)
- Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (LISST)
- Litt&Arts
Laboratories in other countries
Innovation and outreach
- The CNRS takes part in the Institute for Studies and Research on Law and Justice (IERDJ) which aims to promote and disseminate research into law and justice and related fields.
- Dominautes - Centre for Social Sciences of Religion (CéSor)
Post-doctorat CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales
CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales finance un post-doctorat en appui à la chaire de professeur junior « Recherche sur les sciences participatives : rôles et modalités transformatrices » affecté au PALOC.
Research Program
- CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences is involved in the ICCARE Priority Research Programme and Equipment or PEPR with funding from the Investments for the Future programme PIA4. Solveig Serre and David Coeurjolly lead the programme for the CNRS.
- CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences is involved in the IRIMA Priority Research Programme and Equipment IRIMA Priority Research Programme and Equipment or PEPR with funding from the Investments for the Future programme PIA4. Soraya Boudia leads the programme for the CNRS.
- CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences is involved in the TRANSFORM Priority Research Programme and Equipment or PEPR with funding from the Investments for the Future programme PIA4. Frédérique Aït-Touati and Wolfgang Cramer leadf the programme for the CNRS.
- CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences is involved in the VDBI Priority Research Programme and Equipment or PEPR with funding from the Investments for the Future programme PIA4. Jean-Yves Toussaint and Gilles Gesquières lead the programme for the CNRS.